Friday, June 25, 2010

Wealth Redistribution

I read a t-shirt recently that read "In America, we don't redistribute wealth, we earn it," and I immediately began to question the category of "earn." By "earn" do we mean that we deserve only that money we work for? And my thoughts turned to the deplorable conditions of those who pick the fruit that we eat, as well of those who build our electronics. They are doing the actual work, but they are not getting rich doing it. The wealth has already been redistributed away from them. I found myself considering that I completely agreed with that t-shirt, but probably not in the way the t-shirt designer intended.

"God makes his will visible to men in events, an obscure text written in a mysterious language. Men make their translations of it instantly; hasty translations, incorrect, full of mistakes, omissions, and misreadings. Very few minds understand the divine language. The wisest and calmest, the most profound, decipher slowly, and, when they arrive with their text, the need has long sicne gone by; there are already twenty translations in the public square. From each translation a party is born, and from each misreading a faction; and each party believes it has the only true text, and each faction believes it possesses the light." -Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

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