Monday, November 4, 2013

Why Do You Take A Shower?

This philosophy major I met at a party once told me that you can tell a lot about a person by how they answer the question, "Why do you take a shower?" Viz: if one says, "To wash away the filth of the day," then one is very past-oriented, they look back a lot, they dwell on past mistakes and triumphs, they often reflect and meditate on what's been before--which can make one very contemplative, but also perhaps trapped in the past; if one says, "To look presentable," then one is future oriented, they are always looking ahead, planning out their life, considering the ramifications and consequences of all their actions--which can make one very responsible, but also perhaps paralyzed with anxiety, and maybe robs them of their ability to enjoy the moment; and if one says, "Because it feels good," then one is very present-oriented, one focuses on immediate sensation, and lives in the moment and sucks the marrow from the bones of life, for one is not held back by their past nor entrapped by the future--which can make one very lively, but also possibly hedonistic and irresponsible. 

(For the record, when this philosophy major asked why I take showers, I responded, "Cause it feels good."  Draw what conclusions you will).

I myself found that when I started each new semester, I could tell a lot about a student by how they answered the question, "Who's your favorite band?"  It didn't matter what they said, but how.  E.g. if some students said "I don't know, I guess I like a lot of...I don't know..." then I knew they were indecisive; if they some responded excitedly, then I knew they were passionate and opinionated; if they picked some obscure band, I knew they were trying to impress me; one time this guy said "Michael Buble" with a devilish grin, for he knew that was the least manly answer ever, which told me he was self-confident and contrarian.  None of these responses told me of the quality of their character or whether they were good or bad people, only of what their personalities were like.

I wonder what other questions you can ask to get an immediate read on people.


  1. What if the answer is "because my wife makes me"?

  2. Then I'd say because you're from Massachusetts! Keep on rockin'!
