Wednesday, December 18, 2013

On Cell-Phones: A Resolution for the Coming New Year

One of my growing pet peeves is when older folks complain about how "kids these days" are always fiddling on their smartphones, becoming anti-social and cutting themselves off from all the beauty of the world around them and etc. 

Look, here's the God's-honest-truth--it's not that kids are always on their phones, it's that they are always on their phones around you.  

Suddenly that re-frames the problem, doesn't it.

In my experience as both a teacher and a student, when kids are interested in what you have to say, then they will put away their phones, naturally, without compulsory means, without having to be asked.  Phones are actually not all that interesting; it's simply that they are more interesting than maybe what you are saying.  It's either stare at you in undisguised contempt at how bored you're making them a la Ferris Bueller's Day Off, or politely play with their phones instead. 

Therefore: I resolve in this coming New Year to strive to be more interesting than a smartphone.

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