Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care (can we just pass it already??)

Guys: the current Health Bill makes no provision for govt run healthcare--not even a public option. If you like your private plan, not only does no one make you leave it, but nothing replaces them; the only Americans getting govt-run insurance will continue to be vets and congressmen.

So what does this bill do? The bill prevents insurance companies from denying coverage because of pre-existing conditions. It keep rates from soaring. And if you max out your deductable, medicaid is made available to save you from bankruptcy and certain death.

To the 46 million Americans w/o healthcare, including all those with pre-existing conditions and facing bankruptcy, it's just what the doctor ordered. Literally. It's no more "socialist" than the police, the military, and the fire dept (which are also govt-run and tax-payer funded). It's not Stalin, it's not Hitler, it's not even Canada. (And let's please have some respect for the victims of the Holocaust and the Holodomor by not comparing Nazis and Soviets to health reform.)

Whatever else may be your critiques of the Obama administration (and there are plenty of valid ones), these most basic reforms should have been made years ago.

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