Wednesday, March 10, 2010

They're all Italians, for crying out loud!

For whatever reason, all Roman epics--even American produced ones--seem to by law be required to be staffed with British actors. But given that Britain was a Roman colony, even then was filled with Gaelic-speaking Celts, and that the Germanic tribes that eventually settled Britannia and formed the basis of the English language were never under Roman control, why on earth is the British accent privileged in Roman flics? Logically, since Rome is in Italy, shouldn't they all be speaking in Italian accents?

Seriously, I would pay hard-earned money to see a Roman epic full of Mario bro. accents, with lines like, " 'ey! Its-a Julio Caesar! He's-a takin' the-a Roman senate, eh?"

"I-a came, I-a saw, ands I-a conquered, amiright?"

"Its-a da gladiata's, no? 'ey, you-a gladiata's, all yous abouts to-a die we's-a all salute you, eh?"

"Keep-a da carpe diem, amiright fellas? Live-a da life, enjoy your day, eh? make-a the most, it's-a lata' then you think, no?"

This goes for Christian epics, too:

"Hey, yous-a be da Christ, da king a-the Jews, no?"

Ok, I'll stop now before I start blaspheming.

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