Friday, January 3, 2014

Spirit Airlines is the Absolute Worst

Guys, I have totally found the worst airline ever!  It's Spirit.  Listen up:

They suck you in by having the cheapest tickets...except they totally don't!  They charge for carry-ons (serious, what kind of dirtbag charges for carry-ons?!  Their fellow scoundrels at Frontier and Allegiance do the same, take note!), and then they have the audacity to cheerfully advertise "no hidden bag charges" on their website!  I guess, to be fair, they're honest, for their charges aren't hidden at all--they are brazen and open in their dastardly highway robbery!  Honesty doesn't excuse your awfulness, Spirit.

 Other terrible things that Spirit isn't forthright about: they charge you for your carry-on, they charge for drinks and snacks (exorbitantly, I might add), they'll charge to print boarding passes at the kiosk, and they'll charge you if you want something other than a middle seat.  All told, accounting for all these extra charges, even settling for middle seat and no water, it would've been cheaper to fly, say, Delta or AA out of Cedar Rapids--and I would've had more leg-room, too (again--and not to belabor the point--Spirit is the worst).

But what's worst is you don't just pay in money (money can be replaced), you pay in irrecoverable time: for Spirit rarely has direct flights, and they are rarely on time anyways.  I myself had what was supposed to be a milk-run from Chicago to Portland by way of Las Vegas and San Diego, which is in and of itself the most bizarrely circumlocutious route ever.

But not only was the route terrible, but these incompetents couldn't even commit to it!  They failed at their own pathetic flight plans!  For I was just supposed to ride the same crappy middle-seat on the same cramped airplane through both layovers, but as I disembarked at Vegas, we were delayed 2 hours.  Why?  Who knows, who cares, I won't fly them again.  And if you don't either, then I will have fulfilled my mission.  They gave me one of my longest, worst days of flying ever, and I care for them with the same contempt as they did for me.  May they go bankrupt, hopefully investigated by the Feds.

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