Saturday, April 4, 2015

This Is Not A Photograph

Oh hi!  So, a critical edition of Nephi Anderson's Dorian just came out on Peculiar Pages, and it contains (among other things) an essay I wrote a couple years ago! Anderson is kinda considered the grandfather of LDS fiction, and Dorian was his final, long-out-of-print novel, which is re-published now in the midst of a recent critical reconsideration of his contributions to Mormon letters.  It's a rather charming coming-of-age tale set in rural Utah near the turn of the 20th century--though as the various essays argue, there's far more going on here historically and sociologically than may first meet the eye.

The essay's title (and I'm kinda proud of it) is: "'This Is Not A Photograph': Nephi Anderson's Dorian as a Sort of LDS Sons and Lovers; Or, A Portrait of the Mormon Solipsist as a Young Man."  It takes a comparativist approach to Anderson, situating him among his Modernist contemporaries.  You should read it!  You can purchase the edition here.  (Or, if you just wanted to read my essay--spoilers and all--you could read that here, as well!)

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